
Build Environment and Dependencies

Most developers already have the required minimum of git and core *ix development tools. SQLite has very few dependencies (mostly Tcl), and LumoSQL adds one Perl-based processing tool.

LumoSQL is mirrored to Github and application developers can use git with Github in the usual way. LumoSQL developers working on the LumoSQL library internals choose to use Fossil source code manager instead of git, and if you're planning to develop LumoSQL internals then you need Fossil.

There are many reasons why people choose Fossil. For LumoSQL one of them is that SQLite and Fossil are symbiotic projects, each written in the other.

Debian or Ubuntu-derived Operating Systems

Uncomment existing deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list, for example for Ubuntu 20.04.2 a valid line is:

deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal main restricted

Then run

sudo apt update                              # this fetches the deb-src updates
sudo apt full-upgrade                        # this gets the latest OS updates
sudo apt install git build-essential tclx
sudo apt build-dep sqlite3

The exact commands above have been tested on a pristine install of Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, as installed from ISO or one of the operating systems shipped with Windows Services for Linux.

Fedora-derived Operating Systems

On any reasonably recent Fedora-derived Linux distribution, including Red Hat:

```sh sudo dnf install --assumeyes \ git make gcc ncurses-devel readline-devel glibc-devel autoconf tcl-devel tclx-devel ```

Common to all Linux Operating Systems

Once you have done the setup specific to your operating system in the previous steps, the following should work on reaonably recent Debian and Fedora-related operating systems, and Gentoo.

Other required tools can be installed from your operating system's standard packages. Here are the tool dependencies:

  • Mandatory: the not-forking tool, which is a Perl script that needs to be downloaded and installed manually. The instructions for not-forking are on its website.
  • Recommended: Fossil. As described above, you don't necessarily need Fossil. But Fossil is very easy to install: if you can't get version 2.13 or later from your distrbution then it is easy to build from source. (Note! Ubuntu 20.04, Debian Buster and Gentoo do not include a sufficiently modern Fossil, while NetBSD and Ubuntu 20.10 do.) Since you now have a development environment anyway you can build Fossil trunk according to the official instructions or this simpler version (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS):
    • wget -O- https://fossil-scm.org/home/tarball/trunk/Fossil-trunk.tar.gz | tar -zxf -
    • sudo apt install libssl-dev
    • cd Fossil-trunk ; ./configure ; make
    • sudo make install
  • For completeness (although every modern Linux/Unix includes these), to build and benchmark any of the Oracle Berkeley DB targets, you need either "curl" or "wget", and also "file", "gzip" and GNU "tar". Just about any version of these will be sufficient, even on Windows.
  • If you are running inside a fresh Docker or similar container system, Fossil may be confused about the user id. One solution is to add a user (eg "adduser lumosql" and answer the questions) and then "export USER=lumosql".

The not-forking tool will advise you with a message if you need a tool or a version that is not installed.

On Debian 10 "Buster" Stable Release, the not-forking makefile ("perl Makefile.PL") will warn that git needs to be version 2.22 or higher. Buster has version 2.20, however this is not a critical error. If you don't like error messages scrolling past during a build, then install a more recent git from Buster backports.

Quickstart: Using the Build and Benchmark System

This is a very brief quickstart, for full detail see the Build and Benchmark System documentation.

Now you have the dependencies installed, clone the LumoSQL repository using fossil clone https://lumosql.org/src/lumosql , which will create a new subdirectory called lumosql and a file called lumosql.fossil in the current directory.


cd lumosql
make what

To see what the default sources and options are. The what target does not make any changes although it may generate a file Makefile.options to help make parse the command line.

Benchmarking a single binary should take no longer than 4 minutes to complete depending on hardware. The results are stored in an SQLite database stored in the LumoSQL top-level directory by default, that is, the directory you just created using fossil clone.

Start by building and benchmarking the official SQLite release version 3.35.5, which is the current release at the time of writing this README.

`make benchmark USE_LMDB=no USE_BDB=no SQLITE_VERSIONS='3.35.5'`

All source files fetched are cached in ~/.cache/LumoSQL in a way that maximises reuse regardless of their origin (Fossil, git, wget etc) and which minimises errors. The LumoSQL build system is driving the not-fork tool, which maintains the cache. Not-fork will download just the differences of a remote version if most of the code is already in cache.

The output from this make command will be lots of build messages followed by something like this:

``` *** Running benchmark 3.35.5 TITLE = sqlite 3.35.5 SQLITE_ID = 1b256d97b553a9611efca188a3d995a2fff71275 SQLITE_NAME = 3.35.5 2021-04-19 18:32:05 1b256d97b553a9611efca188a3d995a2fff712759044ba480f9a0c9e98faalt1 DATASIZE = 1 DEBUG = off LMDB_DEBUG = off LMDB_FIXED_ROWID = off LMDB_TRANSACTION = optimistic ROWSUM = off ROWSUM_ALGORITHM = sha3_256 SQLITE3_JOURNAL = default RUN_ID = 70EA47101F68CDD6D3C0ED255962A2AA50F1540EE4FEBB46A03FAD888B49676C OK 0.003 1 Creating database and tables OK 0.019 2 1000 INSERTs OK 0.007 3 100 UPDATEs without an index, upgrading a read-only transaction OK 0.052 4 25000 INSERTs in a transaction OK 0.113 5 100 SELECTs without an index OK 0.243 6 100 SELECTs on a string comparison OK 0.012 7 Creating an index OK 0.046 8 5000 SELECTs with an index OK 0.036 9 1000 UPDATEs without an index OK 0.113 10 25000 UPDATEs with an index OK 0.093 11 25000 text UPDATEs with an index OK 0.032 12 INSERTs from a SELECT OK 0.020 13 DELETE without an index OK 0.028 14 DELETE with an index OK 0.027 15 A big INSERT after a big DELETE OK 0.010 16 A big DELETE followed by many small INSERTs OK 0.005 17 DROP TABLE 0.859 (total time) ```

A database with the default name of benchmarks.sqlite has been created with two tables containing the results. This is one single test run, and the test run data is kept in the table test_data. The table run_data contains data relative to a set of runs (version numbers, time test started, etc). This is cumulative, so another invocation of make benchmark will append to benchmarks.sqlite.

Every run is assigned a SHA3 hash, which helps in making results persistent over time and across the internet.

The tool benchmark-filter.tcl does some basic processing of these results:

``` tool/benchmark-filter.tcl RUN_ID TARGET DATE TIME DURATION 70EA47101F68CDD6D3C0ED255962A2AA50F1540EE4FEBB46A03FAD888B49676C 3.35.5 2021-05-20 16:13:18 0.859 ```

The option DATASIZE=parameter is a multiplication factor on the size of the chunks that is used for benchmarking. This is useful because it can affect the time it takes to run the tests by a very different multiplication factor:

``` make benchmark USE_LMDB=no USE_BDB=no DATASIZE=2 SQLITE_VERSIONS='3.35.5 3.33.0' ```

followed by:

``` tool/benchmark-filter.tcl RUN_ID TARGET DATE TIME DURATION 70EA47101F68CDD6D3C0ED255962A2AA50F1540EE4FEBB46A03FAD888B49676C 3.35.5 2021-05-20 16:13:18 0.859 65DD0759B133FF5DFBBD04C494F4631E013C64E475FC5AC06EC70F4E0333372F 3.35.5++datasize-2 2021-05-20 16:18:30 2.511 931B1489FC4477A41914A5E0AFDEF3927C306339FBB863B5FB4CF801C8F2F3D0 3.33.0++datasize-2 2021-05-20 16:18:51 2.572 ```

Simplistically, these results suggest that SQLite version 3.35.5 is faster than 3.33.0 on larger data sizes, but that 3.35.5 is much faster with smaller data sizes. After adding more versions and running the benchmarking tool again, we would soon discover that SQLite 3.25.0 seems faster than 3.33.0, and other interesting things. Simplistic interpretations can be misleading :-)

This is a Quickstart, so for full detail you will need the Build/Benchmark documentation. However as a teaser, and since LMDB was the original inspiration for LumoSQL (see the [History section below]((#a-brief-history-of-lumosql) for more on that) here are some more things that can be done with the LMDB target:

``` $ make what LMDB_VERSIONS=all tclsh tool/build.tcl what not-fork.d MAKE_COMMAND='make' LMDB_VERSIONS='all' BENCHMARK_RUNS=1 COPY_DATABASES= COPY_SQL= MAKE_COMMAND=make NOTFORK_COMMAND=not-fork NOTFORK_ONLINE=0 NOTFORK_UPDATE=0 SQLITE_VERSIONS=3.35.5 USE_SQLITE=yes USE_BDB=yes SQLITE_FOR_BDB= BDB_VERSIONS= BDB_STANDALONE=18.1.32=3.18.2 USE_LMDB=yes SQLITE_FOR_LMDB=3.35.5 LMDB_VERSIONS=all LMDB_STANDALONE= OPTION_DATASIZE=1 OPTION_DEBUG=off OPTION_LMDB_DEBUG=off OPTION_LMDB_FIXED_ROWID=off OPTION_LMDB_TRANSACTION=optimistic OPTION_ROWSUM=off OPTION_ROWSUM_ALGORITHM=sha3_256 OPTION_SQLITE3_JOURNAL=default BUILDS= 3.35.5 3.18.2 +bdb-18.1.32 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.11 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.12 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.13 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.14 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.15 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.16 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.17 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.18 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.19 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.20 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.21 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.22 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.23 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.24 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.25 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.26 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.27 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.28 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.29 TARGETS= 3.35.5 3.18.2 +bdb-18.1.32 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.11 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.12 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.13 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.14 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.15 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.16 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.17 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.18 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.19 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.20 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.21 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.22 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.23 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.24 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.25 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.26 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.27 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.28 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.29 ```

After executing this build with make benchmark rather than make what, here are summary results using a a new parameter to benchmark-filter.tcl:

``` $ tool/benchmark-filter.tcl -fields TARGET,DURATION TARGET DURATION 3.35.5 0.852 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.11 1.201 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.12 1.211 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.13 1.212 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.14 1.219 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.15 1.193 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.16 1.191 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.17 1.213 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.18 1.217 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.19 1.209 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.20 1.223 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.21 1.229 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.22 1.230 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.23 1.215 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.24 1.218 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.25 1.219 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.26 1.220 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.27 1.220 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.28 1.209 3.35.5+lmdb-0.9.29 1.209 ```

Again, simplistic interpretations are insufficient, but the data here suggests that LMDB has decreased in performance over time, to improve again with the most recent versions, and no version of LMDB is faster than native SQLite 3.35.5 . However, further benchmark runs indicate that is not the final story, as LMDB run on slower hard disks improve in relative speed rapidly. And using the DATASIZE option also changes the picture.